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You can use 495 emulator to play all your favorite games compatible with it. 495’s list includes popular ROMs games, such as 64 Oozumou, Elmo's Number Journey, Centre Court Tennis, Bust-A-Move 3 DX, Snow Speeder, Famista 64, Chou Snobow Kids, and lots of others.



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在众多fc双打游戏当中,首屈一指的当属《魂斗罗》了。相信没有哪位玩家不知道它的吧,主角是一蓝、一红两个小人,他们在屏幕上跳跃、射击,我们则在电视前面欢呼、雀跃。 为了一个难打的关卡而两人一起研究战术、分配任务;在技术稍有长进之后,开始互相比赛,看谁能够更快的消灭敌人 04/06/2011 ROMs GAMES or ROM which stands for (Read-Only-Memory), it is NVM or (Nonvolatile Memory) which we mainly use in many devices such as computers, mobile phones, consoles and other. Most of the times it is impossible to modify the data of ROM without having advanced knowledges in the IT field. pc6官方下载为您提供星露谷物语1.07H1,星露谷物语1.07H1版本更新了许多内容,另外对游戏的存档机制做出了相应的优化。此版本还调整了更多的游戏内容,建议大家直接下载此版本以获得更好的游戏体验,您 … 为您提供最全的模拟游戏资料,图鉴,攻略,街机mame/igs,红白机fc,主机ps/ps4,掌机nds、psp等各种机型的游戏下载。's ROMs and ISOs section. Download games for Genesis, Dreamcast, MAME, PSX, PS2, PSP and more here. Sorted by most downloaded, highest rated, genre and region. 2012-2021 深圳市努比亚信息技术有限公司 版权所有 粤icp备18069660号-3 icp经营许可证编号:粤b2-20201516 努比亚技术有限公司 分类: 街机roms 大小: 2.4GB 更新时间: 2016-03-24 聚集了街机中经典的游戏,游戏中包括非常有名且经典的大作例如:三国战记、三国志、恐龙时代、名将、街霸、圆桌骑士、快打旋风、龙与地下城等、拳皇、合金弹头、彩京1945、魂斗罗、双截龙、雪山兄弟、真人快打、侍魂、饿狼、月华剑士、恐龙 Surely, the downloadable SNES ROMs you can find here have a much better graphics, sound, and a more advanced management possibilities than original games.

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